My Take: Sorry for the lack of VW numbers so far. Tthings have been very quiet as of late, so numbers are hard to come by. In any case, CC and GTI are pretty good leases right now. Folks seem to be getting hefty discounts on the CC in particular. I personally like the CC. It’s very stylish and priced competitively with cars around the same size/price range. I recommend the DSG model. For those who have never tried VWs DSG, I can only say one thing….AWESOME. The shifting is quick , responsive and smooth, it may not be as involved or engaging as a manual transmission, but it is still a hoot to drive.
On different note, if you plan to use the Yahoo Auto’s quote system, I would like to suggest that you set your Contact Method to be “Phone” and the Buying how soon to “within 48 hrs” regardless of when you plan to buy. If you aren’t comfortable with the “Phone” part, you can switch it to “Email”, but I still recommend letting your dealer know that you are buying within 48 hrs so that you can get quotes faster. We’re nearing the end of the month, so the sooner you get those quotes, the better. Besides, you never know when you will really pull the trigger (My wife and I gave ourselves two months to get her car, but we ended up doing it within a week). Once you have established communications with your dealer, present your offer (after you’ve done your research) and expected monthly payment and drive-off costs. Fine tune the offer and pull the trigger if everything looks good.
For those who are just shopping casually, I would recommend establishing a relationship with your dealer, get some residuals and money factors (and please share them with me! Thank you!). Then when the time is right, call the dealer back with an offer on an existing car and do your thing.
2010 Volkswagen GTI 2-Door
36-month | 15k miles | residual 49% | .00022 base money factor
2010 Volkswagen CC Sport
36-month | 15k miles | residual 47% | .00021 base money factor