Volvo numbers have arrived. This is typically when I get them. I know it’s ideal, but like I always say, you should be shopping months ahead and be able to pull off a deal at any given time. Don’t shop last minute because you will typically get burned.
Wife wants me to eye the S60. If we can pull of a deal under $400 a month. This may be the ride we get next. We will see! Lots of options and I got until year end. I will report my findings once I get rolling with some quotes.
volvo occasionally has specials with 4 months no payments and these cars can be discounted heavily. I got one for my GF (T5 FWD) for $336/ 12k/ $1600 total due at lease signing with 0 cap cost (it was a loaner car with 6k on it). MSRP 36500. Took advantage of 4 months of no payments which makes the payment under 300 with tax effectively.
Under 400 is possible just wait for the 4 months of no payments deal
So true. I hope they bring that back soon. Right now they are only doing 1 month.