Hello everyone! Please note the following:
- I do not respond to requests for numbers. All numbers I have are posted.
- This is the LAST MONTH for the “suggest brands to track” voting. If you haven’t done so, please do so before the 30th. VOTE HERE.
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Does RWG need a mobile app and would you pay for one?
- No. This blog is just fine (48%, 196 Votes)
- Yes, but it should free (29%, 116 Votes)
- Yes. I would pay a small one-time fee (21%, 86 Votes)
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Can you provide me with the lease rates for a 2013 Mercedes C300 4matic Sport 4dr Sedan
27 months with 10,000 miles per year
as G has posted here Danny, he doesn’t have time to respond to indiv. requests. Use what he does provide as a guide, not the end all be all. So I’ve discovered
Sorry about the lack of comms recently. I’ve been given an increased role in the co. so my work hours have increased every day. Tack that on to the new baby and what not, I haven’t been able to spend much time to respond. The good news is that I do read ALL comments. The thing is that there are many first timers who drop in and request numbers because they can’t get it anywhere else. The thing is, this is not how the blog works. The site is not a personal service for rates. I get a bulk of numbers every month and I share them with everyone. If you happen to be shopping for a model that I have numbers, then great. If not, maybe someone else on the site can help. The point is collaboration really. Anyway, I got a lot of moving parts going on for the site so please be patient. Changes are coming… 🙂
I was just quoted the numbers on the CLA 250 15k miles 36 month lease – residual 64% money factor 0.00212. Sounds pretty damn nice!
The residual is great, but the MF is horrible. I am also willing to bet that you won’t get much in the form of a discount.
I do not see 2014 residual or base rates at 36 months for GLK Mercedes.
Do you know when that will come out?
Also, when with the GLK have a major body change?
Hi G, Is there anyway to verify the 2014 CLA 250 residuals and MFs? Thanks.
For the 2014 CLA 250 (from what I read on a forum)
MF is .00162
36 month residual is 64% for 15K miles, Add 2 for 12K miles, Add 3 for 10K miles and 4 for 7.5K miles
National Ad is $329 per month with 2,900 down plus all fees. 36/10k miles. This is based on a P1 car and Becker Map Pilot vehicle with MSRP of $33,925.
Thanks for the info Eddie. It doesn’t seem so ridiculous anymore…but I do wonder what kind of discounts MBZ is giving on those CLAs. I’m thinking less than $500 off MSRP right now, but if things start off slow, I can see them go deeper.
Lets see what the numbers look like on the CLA next month. I’ll do my best to make sure that’s provided in next month’s numbers.
I was just about to update the money factor so thanks for doing so Eddie. Man decisions decisions – I am confused between a CLA, Infiniti g37x and an Audi A4.
I can tell you that the G37 is bigger and definitely cheaper (MSRP + True Car discounts that exceed 11%) BUT for sure the A4 drives better, is prettier inside and out, and I felt way easier to use the interior. I personally don’t trust Mercedes and I’d usually steer away from a car the first year it’s introduced… So I think
Looking to get a CLA but with the lease rates no longer, has anyone leased one lately that can share the MF and Residuals / buying experience? Thanks.
Bryan, I think it’s too early to get into a CLA. Witht he holidays arriving, I would recommend checking in around Nov/Dec. As of last month, the MF was still REALLY high and because the car is really new, you will not get much of a discount. That equals high payments.
Thanks G. I’m trying to get out of a ’13 VW CC VR6 so thinking of doing a Carmax deal if feasible and get a CLA but then again its so new like you said, the deals are probably not in the question. Good idea to wait until the holidays, I will probably wait till then. To the whole MFs/Residual’s go forward, I’m so curious what they’ll be on this CLA – like everyone else in the separate forum, I hate getting ripped off and not knowing if it’s a deal or not.
If you hate getting ripped off, I recommend checking end of Nov to see how well they are selling then. Nowadays, the holiday season seems to be better than the rest of the year. That wasn’t the case about 4 years ago.
Was looking at CLA yesterday, wife loves this car and wants to replace her G37 with it. Dealer was only selling them at MSRP and said they are going as fast as they can get them. Residual for 3 yr 12k miles was 66% and money factor quoted .00205. Didn’t buy one as I was just shopping around and didnt have enough info. The MB dealer gave me everything I wanted and when I got home I checked their lease calc and they had wrong monthly payment. They also claimed to know nothing about MSD.
Thanks for sharking BD3. Wow MSRP is nuts! But not unexpected. Expect that to be the case until around the holidays.