Yickes! How sad are these lease rates? Clearly Jags aren’t meant to be leased through their captive bank, as you can see in my calculations below. I can think of many cars at this price range that I’d much rather have too. However, if you absolutely must have a Jaguar XJ sedan, I would recommend buying it.
Here is a sample calculation based on TrueCar’s Southern California sale price and do not include local taxes. Please note that your dealer calculations may vary due to local fees/taxes.
2011 Jaguar XJ Sedan
MSRP – $73,575
Sale Price – $70,509
Monthly – $1093+ tax
RWG Rating – 73.8
For Dealer Quotes, Click Here.
This month’s lease rates have been brought to you by LeaseCompare.
2011 Jaguar XJ Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 59% | .00279 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00199 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 42% | .00216 base money factor
2011 Jaguar XJ Supercharged Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 59% | .00346 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 52% | .00250 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 42% | .00268 base money factor
2011 Jaguar XJ Supersport Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00460 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 47% | .00340 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 38% | .00340 base money factor
2011 Jaguar XJL Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 58% | .00322 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 51% | .00233 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 41% | .00255 base money factor
2011 Jaguar XJL Supercharged Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 58% | .00350 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 52% | .00253 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 41% | .00271 base money factor
2011 Jaguar XJL Supersport Sedan
24month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00460 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 47% | .00340 base money factor
48month | 15k miles | residual 38% | .00340 base money factor
Sorry didn’t know you would be able to see on this post. Dealer said residual value on jag xf premium is 44%. As for the fees, he said it is possible for the fees to be added to the cap cost. I’m trying to get the lowest monthly payments possible however, so I am going to have to negotiate cap cost down?
This is my first lease so I am very lost on the whole proccess. Read through your leasing 101 so I have some basic idea.
True car said dealer cost of the car is 52475 and msrp is 57375. Invoice price is 53605.
@B. No problem. There’s an administration page on my end that allows me to see all comments sorted by latest date. 🙂
Anyway, your dealer didn’t disclose the money factor. So it’s going to be tough determining how good the deal really is. What does TrueCar say the lowest sale price is in your area? I would use that as the target unless the dealer is giving you a lower sale price. I think the XF’s residual is horrible personally, so I don’t think you will be getting a great lease deal out of this. Remember that the best deals usually involve lowest money factor, low sale price and high residual (typically 50% or more over 36 months).
Locally the lowest price paid was around 53000. nationally, however, was around 50,000. currently he is really high balling me. this is what he offered so far:
2011 XF Premium Lux
MSRP – $60,075 (includes upgraded sound system)
Your Sale Price $ 58,619
Term – 39 month
Miles/ Year – 10,000
Residual – 25,231
Money Down – $3,995
deal is horrible so im trying to talk him down. how should i go about negotiating this?
@B. The best way to negotiate this is to have the dealer come down to your local sale price. You probably will not be able to get the “national” pricing unless you are willing to get the car in another state/city. I think the main sticking point right now is the sale price and possibly the money factor since that wasn’t disclosed. In all honesty though, you are better off buying the car because there is 0% financing available for up to 60 months. No lease deal could possibly top that if you ask me.
the upgraded sound system is listed around an additional 2000 or so.
I ended up getting a 39 month lease in August of this year on a 2011 XJL Supercharged. The money factor was 0.00035 (yes 3 zeroes) and the residual was 51%. Finally the cost was based on dealer cost less $500 due to a deal I had through my office. I have to imagine that this stacks things very much in favor of the XJ compared to other similar models.
@matt. Wow the MF is very nice compared to previous Jag numbers. RES isn’t half bad either. Congrats on the new ride. I wasn’t aware their incentives were like this. Who financed this deal?