Did you know that Infinitis are the second most popular leases on this website? Not surprising since they boast one of the best “bang-for-the buck” leases around. Like the 2010 model, this year G37 Sport Coupe MT has one of the best balances between residual value and money factor. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of TrueCar sales data to get a good idea of what the sale price will be. However, I am willing to bet that it remains a strong lease regardless. The G25 is also a great lease right now if you don’t need the power (and gas consumption) of the G37.
Here is a sample calculation based on TrueCar’s Southern California sale price and do not include local taxes. Please note that your dealer calculations may vary due to local fees/taxes.
2011 Infiniti G25 Sedan Journey
MSRP – $31,825
Sale Price – $28,383
Monthly – $299 + tax
RWG Rating – 101.05
For Dealer Quotes, Click Here.
‘s Infiniti lease specials:
2011 Infiniti G25X Sedan w/ Moonroof (MSRP: $36,190)
Monthly: $323 + TAX
Term: 39 months
Mileage: 10k/year
$0 cap cost reduction with 1st month, bank fee, and motor vehicle fee due
2011 Infiniti G37X Coupe w/ Premium and Navigation (MSRP: $45,320)
Monthly: $391 + TAX
Term: 39 months
Mileage: 10k/year
$0 cap cost reduction with 1st month, bank fee, and motor vehicle fee due
36month | 15k miles | residual 61% | .00123 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 62% | .00123 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 64% | .00146 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 60% | .00100 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 62% | .00125 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 59% | .00100 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 67% | .00138 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 64% | .00138 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 65% | .00147 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 64% | .00138 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 60% | .00158 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 57% | .00158 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 56% | .00129 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00145 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 58% | .00179 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 59% | .00179 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 55% | .00054 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00124 base money factor
36month | 15k miles | residual 55% | .00220 base money factor
truecar doesnt have any 2011 coupes listed…only 2010. Those coupe #s look pretty good.
yeah, the 2011 coupes have probably been out less than 60 days, so there isn’t any sales data just yet. However, considering how well the sedans are selling, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the coupes being sold slightly above that.
BTW, how’s the 550 treating you? I was reading Edmund’s IL review of the new 550 against the M56. Seems the BMW vs Infiniti battles are really heating up!
I’m looking at a 36 month lease on a 2011 G37 Journey with Prem., Nav., Sport Pkgs.
MSRP – $42,075
Est. Purchase (from TrueCar) – $38,214
Using the figures here for the money factor and residual with 15K miles for 36 months, I come up with a lease payment of $423.71 before taxes.
Does this sound about right ?
550i is treating us pretty well. It is expensive as hell to maintain and is having a few annoying issues. Makes me re-think the CPO option vs. a cheap lease. We also purchased a CPO X3 and I am thinking of selling it to get a G37 Coupe with these leases. We shall see.
thanks, great site as always.
Are they leasing 2010 leftovers??
@gator. Yup That’s I am getting right now. at 96 rating on my calculator. Pretty good deal. If you do a $0 drive off, your payments should be around $463+tax per month. Basically rolling in about $1000 worth of fees and paying over 35 months instead of 36.
@spartanGA. Sorry hear that. Yeah I like BMWs in general, but I don’t think I would own one out of warranty because the one I leased gave me a lot of electrical problems over the two years that I had it. It’s a hoot to drive, but it will get expensive over the long haul.
2010 G37s should still be available, not sure how they lease right now since I stop getting lease rates for 2010 models when 2011s arrive. But I think they might work something out with you with whatever’s left this month. In Feb, buying would probably be a better deal.
do you have residual and mf numbers for the 24 month lease for a g37 journey (15k/year)?
Picked up a G25 Sedan Journey last Saturday.
MSRP: 33,778
Sale Price: $32,511
MF: .0028
Residual: 60%
$1,200 up front in fees (doc, reg, 1st month pymt)
39 months $425/month; 15,000 mi/yr
I was 16,000 miles over on my previous car (’08 Altima) at $0.15/mile. They took care of that cost $2,500. Kinda feel like I could’ve done better. Any thoughts?
G25 Journey. If you see my sample calculation, you will notice that you could have probably done better on the sale price. You barely got $1000 off the MSRP. Even in smaller markets, I would think you could get invoice, which is about 7.4% off MSRP. In your case, you didn’t even get 4% off. Not only that, it seem your MF seems kind of high. Then again, you are doing a 39-mo lease and I don’t have numbers for those, so I cannot confirm. I think your payments being in the mid $450s means that they didn’t really just “take care” of your Altima. They just took what you owed and applied it towards the new lease. A typical G25 lease should be in the $300s with about $1200 due at signing.
In any case, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hopefully you are at least enjoying the car! I think it’s a pretty good alternative to the TSX and other entry level luxury cars.
Hi G,
I live in northern New Jersey and due to the fact the lease on my 2007 G35x was about done, I decided to lease a 2011 G37x w/ premium and navigation packages at the end of December. Please let me know your opinion on whether I received a good deal or not. Here are the details of my lease:
MSRP: $41,890
Invoice: $38,500
Residual: 61%
Money Factor: 0.00179
Terms: 39 months/15,000 miles per year
Selling Price: $37,427.90
Money Due at Lease Signing: $1500 ($373.42 cap reduction, $428.15 first payment, $381.70 registration fees. $20.23 sales tax paid in advance, $289.00 document fee, $7.50 NJ tire fee)
Rebates: $1000 loyalty rebate
Money Added to Lease: $1771.86 ($1176.86 NJ up-front sales tax + $595 registration fee)
Monthly Payment= $428.15
I thought at first that I received a really good deal, but after looking at different infiniti forums, it appears that a lot of people were getting like $3000 below invoice. I don’t see how that is possible, as I had to really negotiate to get the price I got. Also, is it better that I did the lease in December, or do you think it would have been more advantageous for me to have waited till this month? I look forward to your response. Thanks.
Sale prices vary from region to region so unless folks in your area were getting $3000 off MSRP, I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. It is true that big discounts can be had though. In my area, the lowest price is 14% off MSRP, which is huge. But SoCal has lot of competition, so that makes it easier on us. Nevertheless, I think you did well and your lease got a fairly good rating on my calculator (about 96), so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this.
Thanks for your getting back to me G. I really appreciate it. Just a quick question in regards to how you get the rating of 96 on your calculator. Did you deduct the $1000 rebate from the selling price when you did your calculations? I should have specified in my previous message that the $1000 was not included in the $37,427.90 selling price, so basically I got the car for $36,427.90. Is the rating any different now?
gguy. yes, I did, I applied it to the taxes, so instead of rolling in $1771, I rolled in 771 minus the $373 cap reduction you put in. That gave me a payment of $428.16 which is pretty much what you got. That’s a 96 rating on the calculator. It’s a good deal in my opinion.
Hi G,
I live in New York, I decided to lease a 2011 M37x w/ premium packages at the end of December. Here are the details of my lease:
MSRP: $53,235
Invoice: $48,961 (From Truecar)
Residual: Not Sure
Money Factor: Not Sure
Terms: 24 months/10,000 miles per year
Selling Price: $46,444
Money Due at Lease Signing: $1601 ($539 first payment, 312.94 NY Registration Fees, $595 Bank Fee, $52.81 Tax for Bank Fee, $88.75 Tax For Loyalty Rebate, $12.50 NY Tire Tax)
Rebates: $1000 Loyalty Rebate
Monthly Payment= $539.00 (Taxes are in the Payment)
Please let me know your opinion on whether I received a good deal or should i have waited until this month considering the MF is so low.
Mike, without looking at the Residual and MF, I looks pretty good. You are paying almost 1% of the MSRP on a 24 month lease which normally doesn’t happen (usually is a lot more). Plus you aren’t paying any cap reduction which is a plus. To top it off, those payments are with tax included, which is crazy low. Looks good in my opinion. They seem to be discounting the car a bunch which really helps.
hey G! have you been able to find any numbers on the 39 month lease?
Andrews. I generally do not get 39-month leases from the brokers I deal with. Mostly limited to 36-month leases, which I find to be ideal for most lessees. 39-month leases will be slightly cheaper though.
Hey G, do you happen to know the numbers for the G IPL?
is there any rates on a G37xS limited edition sedan?
sorry guys, that’s all the broker provided me with this month. I will ask him for the IPL and LE models for Feb.
Hey G. I was wondering if you had any info about the Multiple Security Deposit MF reduction Infiniti is offering. I can’t seem to find solid and recent information anywhere.
One of my readers last reported (few weeks ago) a 0.00007 reduction per $500. Please double check with your dealer though.
Does the MF change when you go from 36-month to 24-month? Thanks
FYI — I spoke with a dealer, the MF can be reduced by 0.0001 for every security deposit you give, up to 9. The security deposit is calculated by taking the monthly payment and rounding it to the nearest $x50. (I’m not sure if you take the monthly payment before or after the security deposit to the calculations, I’d assume after).
So, if want to work this out, you calculate the MF on the lease to be (for Jan) 0.00135-0.0001*9 = .00045. If you say your lease payment is $329, you round to $350*9 = $3150. That’s a real bargain. That kind of a reduction in MF can save quite a bit over the course of a lease, and you get the money back at the end (as apposed to a cap cost reduction).
Chris –
The 2-2.5% you’re saving in APR in buying down the MF pales in comparison to the 4-6%/yr that you would make investing that same $3150.
I know guaranteed investment vehicles like bonds/cds dont have the best rates right now, but all things equal even the most incompetent financial rep could get you 4%/yr. Surely if you have faith that infiniti will be around in feb 2014 than even the most risk-averse infiniti customer would expect the stock mkt to exceed 2.4%/yr thru the same time frame.
Thats prob why infiniti lets ppl buy down the rate like this…they will take your $ as an interest-free loan, earn a higher % off it than what it costs them to give you the buy down, then return your loan and count their profit.
I know this is a lease-education website and NOT a personal finance website, but unless you have to crave some psychological urge to perceive you are getting a ‘deal’, it’s not that right move to buy down the MF.
Just sayin’..
I think what Chris is trying to say is that instead of putting $3150 as cap reduction, the better alternative would be to go with MSDs (which is true). Of course, if you know of a way to get more return on your investment, that would be the better way to go.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, I’m still learning the lease equations. But to Chris’s point, isn’t buying down MF a GREAT deal?
Yes you’re buying down only 2-2.5% APR but that APR is applied to the net cap cost + residual value to get the monthly interest rate charge.
Using some real life quotes I got on a G25 Journey, Net cap cost = 29773.03 Residual = 21264 MF=.00123
Without the buy down you get a monthly interest rate charge of 62.78 = (29773.03+21264)*.00123
With the buy down you get a monthly interest rate charge of 16.84 = (29773.03+21254)*.00033
Over 3 years you’re saving 1653.76 by putting in 3150 (assuming your security deposit is $350 per). That’s a 52.5% return on investment over 3 years that’s guaranteed. Am I thinking correctly here?
@b.diddy. Yes, buying down the MF is a good way to save money. The key is that you get the deposit back, so the return on investment is pretty huge (Unlike when you pay points to lower your mortgage rate). The is one drawback to the MSD though. If you trade the car in or sell it to privately, you lose it. I’ve lost my security deposit with BMWFS before for trading my car in before my lease matures. So keep that in mind. Other than that, your calculations check out. I highly recommend over straight up cap reduction.
Multiply the MF by 2400 to get the interest rate.