My Take: Acura has regional lease rates, so your money factor may vary. I believe the TL has a slightly high MF compared to us in the West Cost (.00134). It is still not a bad deal, but it does make the payments slightly higher. The TSX looks like a good lease this month. Not only are the residual and money factor very good, Acura is also throwing some cash at them. My guess is that the TSX will be one of the top 10 leases in this months Round-Up again.
2010 Acura RL
36-month | 15k miles | residual 44% | .00100 base money factor
2010 Acura MDX Advance
36-month | 15k miles | residual 51% | .00133 base money factor
2011 Acura MDX Tech, Entertainment
36-month | 15k miles | residual 53% | .00170 base money factor
2010 Acura TL
36-month | 15k miles | residual 54% | .00097 base money factor
2010 Acura TL Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 51% | .00097 base money factor
2010 Acura TL SH-AWD
36-month | 15k miles | residual 51% | .00097 base money factor
2010 Acura TL SH-AWD Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 52% | .00097 base money factor
2010 Acura TSX
36-month | 15k miles | residual 58% | .00064 base money factor
2010 Acura TSX Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 55% | .00064 base money factor
2010 Acura TSX V6 Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 49% | .00057 base money factor
2010 Acura RDX SHAWD Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 49% | .00126 base money factor
2011 Acura RDX Tech
36-month | 15k miles | residual 55% | .00126 base money factor
Just got a quote on a TSX and the dealer gave a .00074 money factor. Should I ask if they can offer the .00064 base rate? Residual quoted was 59% at 36 months and 10k miles. I would think the residual should play out a little higher than 59% with 10k miles.
warren, I think the .00064 MF may require that you do a zero drive-off. Acura’s been pitching that these past couple of months. As for the residual, I’m not sure. It would be great if you could reconfirm my findings.
2010 Acura TL HPT 19’s with AWD Tech $43,385 sticker Selling price $38,000 even …..inclusive of all incentives and dealer cash.
total out of pocket at signing contract: $1000
monthly payment including tax (texas): $436
36 month lease
53% residual 12K miles per year. I tried for 15K miles – wouldnt do it.
0.9% interest rate (special apr lease/financing)
what do you guys think?
Wow are you serious? That looks insanely good. I don’t even have to put it in the calculator to see that. Specially because you are in Texas and they usually nail you on taxes.