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Does RWG need a mobile app and would you pay for one?
- No. This blog is just fine (48%, 196 Votes)
- Yes, but it should free (29%, 116 Votes)
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Total Voters: 405

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Total Voters: 297

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Hi G, question – dealer is saying it’s better to do 10k miles per year instead of 15k so the payments lower but won’t you be more upside down equity wise if you do the 10k year say after the first year? Granted you sell or trade out of lease. It sounds like a good idea but not sold on it. Thoughts? Thanks.
Bryan, I would say that it doesn’t matter if you are 10k or 15k. You will be upside down on the first year no matter what because depreciation is highest in the first and second year, then it begin to tail-off on the third. Best time to unload a lease is probably about 3-4 months before your lease expires.
Thanks G. So you’re saying I should lease with 10k a year instead to save $ on monthlys since depreciation is the same as 15k year? It sounds too good to be true. I think you’d be more upside down on 10k than 15k because your paying down car at a lesser monthly amount. Thanks.
Sorry for the confusion Bryan. What I mean to say is that whether you go 10k or 15k, you will be upside down if you try to trade-in your car within 2 years of the lease. Of course, you would owe less if you opt for 15k vs 10k. I recommend going with what you plan to drive on a yearly basis so you always have the options to just return the car without being way under or over your miles.
Thanks G. Last question, if I were to sell it out of the lease to say CarMax, would you still recommend doing 15k vs 12k? I guess if I were to do a 12k on a CLA and sell it year 2 to CarMax that I’d be more upside down than 15k.
It all depends on how many miles you have during trade-in. But yes, having a 15k miles per year lease is going to increase your chances of having more equity in the car. But you are also pay more per month, so it’s really a wash in my view.