Acura residuals dropped through the entire lineup. What’s weird is that Acura didn’t lower the MF on all the models to compensate for the lower residual values. TSX and TL have notable increases in MF. Weird tactic if you ask me. So what gives? Well, the TL base has $1750 in dealer cash and $2000 on the TL with Tech. Sorry, no cash for those looking for the SHAWD models. The TSX gets $500 in dealer cash across all trims and nothing more.
Wondering how these changes make the TL lease look like? Payments are higher because of the loss in residual and higher MF. The good news is that the car is still a very good deal and low-interest special financing is available should you choose to buy the car.
Here is a sample calculation based on TrueCar’s Southern California sale price and do not include local taxes. Please note that your dealer calculations may vary due to local fees/taxes.
MSRP – $36,490
Sale Price – $31,667 ($1750 dealer marketing cash applied)
Monthly – $371+ tax
RWG Rating – 95.4
Support my site by getting your “no obligation” quotes from:
2012 Acura MDX
36 Month – Residual 54% of MSRP – .00090 Base Rate
2012 Acura MDX TECH
36 Month – Residual 52% of MSRP – .00090 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 55% of MSRP – .00092 Base Rate
2012 Acura RDX AWD TECH
36 Month – Residual 53% of MSRP – .00092 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 57% of MSRP – .00064 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 57% of MSRP – .00064 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 52% of MSRP – .00016 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 56% of MSRP – .00114 Base Rate
36 Month – Residual 54% of MSRP – .00114 Base Rate
I’m pretty sure there is $1,000 dealer cash on the RDX.
@Alex. That’s correct. ZDX gets $2000. MDX doesn’t get anything.
What type of lease payments should I expect on a 2012 TL w/Tech 10k miles or 12k miles, no money out of pocket in Florida? My current lease (same vehicle, but an 2009) the is currently under miles. I recently rec’d a quote for the following:
2012 Acura TL with Technology Package MSRP 40,220 – SALE PRICE $34,911 36 Months /10k miles ( + 5000 ROLLOVER MILES ) Total of 35,000 for the lease term.
Inceptions of $1788 Total ( 1st Payment, Tag Transfer, Title, Doc Stamps, all Fees ) = $447+ Tax ( $473.82 ).
What do you think?
@Kim. Looking back at some older TL lease rates, it looks like the different in residual between the TL base and the TL with Tech is about 2% lower (on the Tech). With that in mind, I think the TL Tech residual value is 54% (vs 56%). Now, if you need 12k, you added 2%. 3% if you need 10k miles. Here’s a sample calculation based on 12k miles per year on the TL Tech using your MSRP and Sale Price.
MSRP 40,220
Sale $36,220 (estimated 10% off MSRP discount)
Monthly (before tax) $447 per month.
This assumes you pay all inception fees up front, which you indicated to be approximately $1788.
I estimate using TrueCar.com and an Orlando, FL zip. The site then indicated a 10% off MSRP price before incentives. There is $2000 in dealer cash available so you might want be able to tap into that. Dealer cash and customer cash is different in that customer cash is money the Acura gives to you, while dealer cash is money Acura gives to the dealer.
Hi G,
Here’s the current offer…let me know what you think:
The dealer is offer the car at dead cost $34,911. He is telling me to roll my last two payments into the car which will be $1020. I assume I will also finance the bank fee which I believe is $595. That means I would be financing $36,526. Because I am turning my car in early I have approx. $4,500 rollover miles, so I can probably get away with 10k miles and I’m told the residual is now 56% on the TL Tech. The MF is .00104. Tax in my area is 6%. If I use your calculator, I’m at $477 per mo. with taxes. I know you said above to see if I can tap into the $2,000 dealer cash, but they are telling me they did at the price of $34,911. I also searched TrueCar and they are reporting Dealer Cost at $34,557 after applying Holdback and the $2k incentive. Is this a good deal, and do you think I can squeeze them on their $699 (plus tax) dealer fee? I really appreciate your help….Kim
@Kim. I think $34911 is a very good price. There is some profit in there, but that’s expected. I have not heard of any dealer in FL willing to give up the dealer doc fee. That’s part of their profit structure so they will not change that. Nevertheless, I think you have a very good price (about 13% off MSRP).
g what do you think:
base car $36490 msrp
selling price: dealer cost -$500 = $31,500-$500 = $31000
marketing dealer incentive: – $1750 = $29250
acquisiton fee: +$595 = $29845 net cap cost
36 month lease
0 due at signing. sign and drive and dealer make first payment + required fees.
12 K miles 58% residual 0.00114 money factor
$303.77/month for 35 months (i am negotiating for them to waive the taxes in texas or get some tax credit to make me at under $310/month.
They have said it is a true net zero/zero deal if this happens.
@aaron. Wow. Amazing. You gotta this car NOW! TL Base, right?
@aaron would like to know what dealer did you talk to
@G …thanks for your input. I can’t get them to budge any further on the Acura TL/Tech. This time around, instead of renegotiating the sale price, I was trying to make them work the deal on what type of monthly payments I wanted to make and out-of-pocket expenses I was willing to pay which was essentially first and tax, tag, title and maybe the dealer fee. However, two GM’s later, and they stil will not budge any further on the sale price.
@Aaron…what is the make and model of the vehicle? Acura TL?
@Kim. Yeah I think your sale price is fairly low as which is why they won’t budge. Also, Tech models are more limited in availability so that probably has a lot to do with how low they are willing to go. The Base model on the other hand is plentiful so they will be more willing to cut deals on those.
yes 2012 tl
the selling price is basically all of holdback.- $500 additional
@aaron – who is the dealer you are working with? If they are in houston, I want to get in on this deal too. 🙂
Just FYI – I was almost able to replicate aaron’s deal but had to back out because of my trade in – they wouldn’t give me what I wanted on my ’10 G37. 🙂 I was quoted a sales price of $29,650 plus TTL.
Acura is currently passing on the sales tax credit in Texas. All you would have to pay is the $500 L&M Fee. So, your TTL, including doc fee and other misc charges, should be about $800. For a 15k lease, your payment should be $356/month – $0 down and $0 first month’s payment.
I was quoted $378/month and I could have easily had them come down to my calculated total but the difference on the trade in was too much for me to pursue this deal. I may try to do this deal in April if I can somehow unload my G37 without losing any money.
Any one interested in a ’10 G37 Sedan Journey with premium package – $354/month with 17 months and 26k miles left on the lease? 🙂